Simon Müller
Web Entwickler,
Creative Coder &
Interaction Designer
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I'm Simon,
a designer, web developer, and media artist based in Bern, Switzerland. My practice includes experimental immersive projects as well as more traditional works for the digital and analog realms.
I graduated from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts with a Bachelor's degree in Digital Ideation. Although a newcomer to the field of media art, I already completed several projects in this field, in addition to my efforts in web development. My works in the spatial context combinse physical and digital elements, creating an immersive experience that explores the intersection between technology and humanity. In those, the audience is encouraged to contemplate the ways in which technology shapes our perceptions of the world.
I also have a strong desire in working with people and am passionate about making a positive impact.
Explore my portfolio to get a sense of my work, and feel free to reach out if you're interested in collaborating or if you have some questions.
Things I am passionate about
- Webdevelopment
- Webdesign
- Creative Coding
- Intercultural Exchange
- UX Design
- Working with a wide diversity of people
- Interaction Design
- Photogaphie
- New Media Art
- Physical Computing